There is some great diving here and unlike many dive locations there are very few divers still. We have a great number of sites, including spectacular coral walls with many passing pelagics, underwater mounds with pumping currents, and a fascinating, calm house reef. Bira is most famous for its great variety of sharks and other pelagic which visit throughout June – November. Visibility is always good, and sometimes peaks up to spectacular 50m+
The idea of Bira Dive Camp is to create a hub for travelers and divers, in an amazing place, with great diving, all for a good price. We are working with strong ethics, the Camp is as eco friendly as reality and budget allow. We work closely with the local community and try to educate them to create sustainable ways of income instead of destructive fishing methods. We want our guests to have a genuine Indonesian experience, away from the crowds in a social and inspiring environment
A simple accommodation made out of recycled traditional houses and bamboo. Currently we have two types of lodging, small bungalows (2 guests in double or twin) and big bungalows (dorms) with 6 beds. All with shared bathroom and toilets. The camp is sitting on Bara beach in the end of Longbeach in Bira. It’s peaceful and amazingly beautiful, the night sky is just breathtaking. We love this place and we are convinced you will as well.
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